Will Single Use Plastic (SUP) vanish from July 2022?

Published in Dwarka Express on 25.6.22

As per the original Plastic Waste Management (PWM) Rules, 2016, there is a complete ban on sachets using plastic material used for storing, packing or selling gutkha, tobacco and pan masala. As per PWM (Amended) Rules, 2021, the manufacture, import, stocking, distribution, sale and use of carry bags made of virgin or recycled plastic less than 75 microns has been banned with effect from 30th September, 2021 as opposed to 50 microns recommended earlier under PWM Rules, 2016. The latest CPCB notification of 12th August 2021, prohibits manufacture, import, stocking, distribution, sale and use of the identified single use plastic items less than 100 microns (see box) with effect from the 1st July, 2022.

On the supply side, already directions have been issued to petrochemical industries to stop supplying the raw materials for manufacture of the banned items. On the demand side, directions have been issued to E-commerce companies, leading single use plastic sellers/users, and plastic raw material manufacturers with respect to phasing out of identified single use plastic items. Series of trainings are being conducted for MSMEs to stop production throughout the country. Some alternatives to develop compostable plastic is also going on simultaneously. NGOs, Voluntary organisations are also being roped in to create awareness

To enable citizen participation, an SUP Public Grievance App was launched by Hon’ble Minister EF&CC, Shri Bhupender Yadav and comprehensive directions have been issued to all stake holders. By doing so, the Government has proved its seriousness to control SUPs. So, CPCB is hell bent to enforce SUP ban from July 22. India is a vast country with 140 crore population most of whom might not have gone through the new set of rules. It is therefore understandable that implementation would take time. It is the duty of every Indian to raise to the occasion to address this issue seriously. South Express expects that there would be many violations reported in the App. It is going to be a formidable task to address all grievances. Nevertheless, it is also true that if we miss the bus this time, it will not be possible to return to the plastic free era. Will the SUPs vanish? Let us not wait and watch, but ACT NOW!


Published in Dwarka Express on 18.6.22

When it comes to environment, it appears that this topic is the soft target for all. Environmentalists are criticised for being conservative and negative about development. The term ‘Sustainable development’ is emerging as an easy excuse to push forward many projects in India. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is slowly becoming a futile ‘Kagaz puri karo’ exercise. When South Delhi redevelopment project was going on and environmentalists question the massive tree felling, one court was shocked to see that the EIA was consisting of some sentences pertaining to a Tamilnadu Project, clearly evidencing that the EIA was just a COPY-PASTE exercise. This clearly raised the brows of the environmentalists and economists alike as to whether the sustainable development paradigm bears any rhyme or reason. Ultimately such glaring mistakes or so called paper work colloquially, ends detrimental to the environment with a resultant irreversible damage for the very human civilisation. A classic example is we replace the potential urban biodiversity parks into amusement parks after environmental clearances. So many native species of flora and fauna become extinct in such unabated onslaughts. Environment clearances should follow stringent norms and also be vetted by a multi-disciplinary panel of ecologists and economists, not just by bureaucrats.

Unless the mindset of the policy makers changes, such environmental threats will continue. No wonder, a child participating in the drawing competition on ‘Save environment’ theme stands clueless when their moms push them to participate in such vexatious drawing competitions. Are we doing justice to the gen-next? A child quips, ‘should I carry this plastic water bottle to school or not? ‘Save environment’ is just in paper, whether it is a school going child or drafter of EIA document. This is the bitter reality!

Only one Earth

Published in Dwarka Express on 11.6.22

The times are changing and so our lifestyle. Today’s generation do not have time to stand and stare. They have already deep dived into their corporate timelines. ‘ONLY ONE WORLD’ is the environmental theme for this year by UN. All over the world, every year we celebrate World Environment Day on 5th June invariably, but are we doing any follow up action? Its not enough that we celebrate one day in a year and forget environment for the rest of the days in the year. Our environment is getting worse day by day. Carbon emission is going on unabated, comfortably forgetting Paris declaration. Even rural areas are showing the symptoms of urban maladies. Trees are being felt in large scale to pave way for development activities. Water is becoming a scarcity. Soil quality is degraded. Air is unbreathable. Development has relegated environment to a backseat. Many of our social organisations are focussing on planting a tree to mark the Environment Day, just to forget the same the very next day and to return to life as usual. Bureaucrats are showing callousness in managing the environment. Our population is increasing at rocket speed while natural resources are depleting drastically. It is against this backdrop that UN has given a warning note, rightly choosing the phrase ONLY ONE EARTH as its theme. We must think globally and act locally. South Express gives all a clarion call TO ACT NOW!