Only one Earth

Published in Dwarka Express on 11.6.22

The times are changing and so our lifestyle. Today’s generation do not have time to stand and stare. They have already deep dived into their corporate timelines. ‘ONLY ONE WORLD’ is the environmental theme for this year by UN. All over the world, every year we celebrate World Environment Day on 5th June invariably, but are we doing any follow up action? Its not enough that we celebrate one day in a year and forget environment for the rest of the days in the year. Our environment is getting worse day by day. Carbon emission is going on unabated, comfortably forgetting Paris declaration. Even rural areas are showing the symptoms of urban maladies. Trees are being felt in large scale to pave way for development activities. Water is becoming a scarcity. Soil quality is degraded. Air is unbreathable. Development has relegated environment to a backseat. Many of our social organisations are focussing on planting a tree to mark the Environment Day, just to forget the same the very next day and to return to life as usual. Bureaucrats are showing callousness in managing the environment. Our population is increasing at rocket speed while natural resources are depleting drastically. It is against this backdrop that UN has given a warning note, rightly choosing the phrase ONLY ONE EARTH as its theme. We must think globally and act locally. South Express gives all a clarion call TO ACT NOW!

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