Caged birds get better deal in India!

Suddenly there was some noise in the bird cage in my next balcony. I was watching the caged exotic birds sympathetically. How much energy these cute little birds must have? So inhumane to keep them under a small cage! As I was mulling over the fate of those colourful and energetic birds, suddenly I saw a bird escaping through a hole in the grill of the cage. Yes, the bird flew away to some unfamiliar destination. It will not survive for long as neither the predators will allow nor the habitat will suit its survival. How do Indian homes keep exotic birds in their cages? While going through the schedules of Wildlife Act, it was found that the Act does not have any mention about exotic birds. This is the reason that we see many lovebirds of Australia and other countries kept at home in cages. Indian species are not kept inside cages, else it will be a violation of law of the land.

Recently I visited a friend of mine. A small exotic bird at his home was freely flying within the home. It often sat on the shoulder of my friend’s wife. After taking its food it flies back to its cage of its own and feels happy to get caged again. Incidentally it sat on my lap also for sometimes. Being a bird enthusiast, I love to see birds in their natural habitat. But somehow, the exotic bird seen at my friend’s house did not disturb me much as the bird was freely moving inside the house like any other pets. In fact, these exotic birds are not adoptable to the climatic conditions in India. Somehow, due to better feeding, they survive for long. Incidentally my friend also is a birder. So he takes care of the bird as his family member. A migratory swallow as little as a sparrow flies from England or western Europe to India, in record time of 15 to 45 days which clearly explains the level of energy in birds. When a bird with such enormous energy is caged, it affects its life cycle. It is inhumane to cage them, which may be similar to the Andaman concentration cells where freedom fighters were dumped to die. 

Union Ministry of Environment has come out with a notification for exotic birds on Feb 28, 2024. As per notification, all persons possessing a living specimen of any of the listed animal species are required to apply for registrations of such possession within a period of six months from the date of commencement of these rules and thereafter within 30 of coming into possession of such animal species to the concerned State Chief Wildlife Warden, through the PARIVESH 2.0 portal. Though this amendment regularizes illegal trafficking of exotic animals, what is needed is specification of moving space needed for caged birds and animals. Many pet owners think that they are animal lovers. A real animal lover must understand that the exotic species also have right to live in its natural habitat. A visitor to Singapore Jurong bird park might have realized this right. Even this park is closed in 2023 and shifted to a brand new state of the art spacious bird park featuring eight walkthrough aviaries. The environment is designed to mimic different ecologies to have a best experience not only to visitors but also to birds There, all birds do have better natural living conditions. Singaporeans realize the value of peaceful coexistence.  One can see the varieties of bird species living in enough space. Next time when anyone comes across pet owners of exotic animals and birds, it is pertinent to remind them to register in Parivesh 2.0 portal as this is going to be a legal duty. What is more important is to give the birds their right to live in spacious enclosures. Hopefully the spacing specifications will follow the Govt notification (Photo Courtesy: Karthikeyan, Naturalist, Bangalore)

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