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Published in media on various occasions

  • Vanishing tree cover of Bangalore

    Published on 06.01.2024 in Dwarka Express Once known as ‘Garden city’, Bangalore is slowly losing the charm of its title, it acquired over a long period of time. If one goes for a ride in the city’s iconic roads like MG Road etc., he would realize that the city may not be the same as… Read more

  • Is it possible to stop global warming?

    Published in Dwarka Express on 30.12.23 Could we stop the global warming? The answer for this simple question may not be easy to comprehend. Sun gives warmth from far above, while the core of the Earth far below is red hot at 6000℃. Besides, the volcanoes erupt often to keep the Earth still warmer. Thus,… Read more

  • Oil spill spoils, Chennai boils!

    Published in Dwarka Express on 23.12.23 From one tragedy, Chennai is not able to come out, but it appears that the Goddess of Destiny is having a cruel smile on Tamil Nadu in general and Chennai in particular. Cyclone spells on the one side and human failure on the other side, TN Chief Minister shunts… Read more

  • Sand & Soil, one steals, another dumps

    World Soil Day was celebrated only on 5th Dec 2023. And the theme of the year is “Soil and water, a source of life” So what? International Days come and go. Celebrations keep going. We mark the day with runs and rides with banners wearing t-shirts. But soil or water…, are we serious to preserve… Read more

  • Is Chennai sinking?

    Published in Dwarka Express on 10.12.23 Chennai is literally sinking due to unprecedented rains, rather multiple times of 2015. While cars were floating, boats were seen in roads, ferrying the stranded people. NASA predicts that cities like Chennai would sink by the year 2100. The fast-growing urban cities like Chennai are put to severe stress.… Read more

  • Why the tunnel collapsed?

    Published in Dwarka Express on 2.12.23 By the time, this newspaper reaches your hands, we pretty well know that you are celebrating one more Diwali, hailing the work of rescue team as well as the recued workers of the Sikyara Tunnel, Uttarakhand. South Express too joins the bandwagon of the millions who rejoice in spontaneous… Read more

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